Saturday, June 12, 2010


To fully understand the Las Vegas sporting world you'll have to take off your rose colored glasses and pretend that this city is problem free. Let us imagine that this years rebel football team will be unstoppable. I believe. Let us cast aside any doubts of not having a championship basketball season. And, for the most part, never, ever give up hope on having a professional team of any kind out here. Yes, we believe. Umm, to a certain extent that is. Most professional athletes are well off. Micheal Jordan, Tiger Woods, Charles Barkley have all been out here spending their hard earned cash. So why isn't there a major sports training facility here in Vegas? There's the Tarkanian Basketball Academy that used to play host to professional as well as many high school and college up and commers. But, nothing for those football or track or baseball or soccer players wanting to train for the next level. On any street out here there is a home up for sale or in foreclosure. On any major business street out here there is a business that went bust. There is desert all around us. Can we please get some architects in here to design a facility that will bring this city the big athlete moolah? Or am I ahead of myself. All people need a sport. Most people have a sport they love. Vegas does not have to choose just one to support. What happens here stays here. If we want to get in bed with 3 or 4 sports at a time... don't judge us world. We just wanna be loved too. And we should be. We're definitely sexxxy enough. We are also a city full of hidden talent. Everybody is glued to the TV watching the World Cup, wrapped up in all the excitement. Did you know that Las Vegas has an adult amateur soccer league? The Las Vegas Major Soccer League was started in 1965 and has since been an affiliate with the United States Soccer Federation. They are responsible for bringing amateur youth teams from Texas to Canada here to Las Vegas to compete in major tournaments. Many of their top players have played on levels from college to the MLS. And it's non-profit. Can we hire Tom Cruise to recruit on of these high paid soccer players to build us a soccer training facility? SHOW ME THE MONEY! These young athletes are hungry for success. Maybe I am ahead of myself. So let me go back, back to my highlight youth team/coach of the week. The soccer season for the Nevada Youth Sports has just ended but I would like to take the time out to tip my hat to a couple who have been coaching not just soccer, but flag football, baseball, and basketball for nearly 10 years. Brian and Linda Gay are Green Valley residents known in the NYS circle for taking on coaching as an experience for each child. Throughout the years they have dedicated their time and resources to making sure that each child willing to play any sport has that opportunity. It is not an easy thing especially since they have 4 boys of their own. Two of which just graduated this year. Congratulations young men. We look forward to seeing you continue the legacy your parents have started. And if you happen to see any big time athletes along the way, tell them Las Vegas is lonely. Sigh! You've just got the scoop. Stay tuned for more...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why so many questions?

Today is a very curious day for me. I got questions y'all and I need some answerin'. Like, when they show Bryce Harper on sports center and talk about his hometown, will we be subjected to another video clip of the strip? Is that the only clip newsrooms were given when they passed out clips for cities? Why can't they show the beautiful mountain landscape that surround us? Ahhh, what serenity...Speaking of serene, how cool is Bryce Harper for gettin' tossed for the second time this season. This time for a two game suspension. Ok, so we know it's not easy doing the things he's done, but if you can't manage your behavior now it won't get much better in the big leagues. With that being said, its not a way you want to end your amateur career. What it boiled down to was Harper disputed a pitch that by all rights should have been a strike. This would have been fine, he could have shown up the ump, maybe swapped spittle, kicked a little dirt and then continued to play ball. But, you know he is only 17 so what did he do? He drew a line in the dirt. I don't see what all the fuss was about. He missed the strike, I thought Harper was just giving him a little help. Oh well, it remains to be seen what his future will be. Guess it's back to Cashman Field. Yup, I'll be basking in the sunlight sipping my soda pop wondering what the weather is like in Toronto. It'll be fun though. The 51's will be back in town next week. Kids are out of school and parents are out of options. Does, "I'm borreeed!" echo around your house? Well if it does, then get the whole family out there to have a ball. The next game is is Thursday the 10th. That's not a long wait. You will be waiting in line a long time for tickets to the Lakers/Kings game October 13th. Could it be possible that we'll have the NBA champions in our town, or am i getting ahead of myself? I hate when that happens. Let me back it up. I said last blog that I would feature a youth team or coach that is showing a positive image in the Las Vegas sporting community. This week I must commend Denard Whiteside, aka Coach D. Coach D is owner and CEO of Hoops Heaven. This organization not only runs basketball tournaments, but they offer trophy ceremonies, pictures, shirts and videos. Wow. What is impressive is the fact that Coach D and his staff are able to reach out to youth in the community who would otherwise slip thru the cracks of this city. Because of that, he has been a large influence in his community by helping these youths believe in themselves and others. I had the pleasure of watching one of his teams at the Memorial Day tournament held at Tarkanian Basketball Academy and was impressed. Mainly because sports should be more than a "w" or "l", they should have some lesson that you are able to take back with you and use in your lifetime some day. Coach D, we tip our 51's baseball hats to you. Stay around for the next blog you'll actually get directions the Cashman Field. You just had your scoop...